Tropical Marine Power Clownfish Fish Food 100ml/65g – 61313


  • multi-ingredient food for everyday use
  • – a rich source of protein and exogenous amino acids
  • – stimulates the growth and proper development of fish
  • – improves the immunity of animals

10 in stock


Marine Power Clownfish is food in the form of sinking granules, fully covering the nutritional requirements of clownfish and other small species of reef fish. it is eagerly eaten by fish and anemones. It contains Antarctic krill and calanus, which are a source of protein rich in exogenous amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, including Omega-3, which influence the growth and general condition of fish. When used regularly, it enhances the colors of fish thanks to the high content of carotenoids, including astaxanthin. In order not to disturb the delicate biological balance in a marine aquarium and reduce the risk of undesirable algae, the food has a low phosphorus content. Suitable for daily feeding of smaller fish, mainly the jester (Amphiprion Ocellaris, AmpHiprion Percula, AmpHiprion Sebae, AmpHiprion Akalisos, Amphiprion PERIDERAION, AMPHIPRION CLARKIE, PREMNAS BIACULEATU, PREMNAS BIACULEATUS), GARBIKI (VIRIDIS CHROMIS, CHROMIS, chromis bicolor, bic. Parasa’s ysiptera, Chrysipter Cyanea, Chrysiptera hemicyanea, Dascyllus melanurus, Dascyllus trimaculatus ) and anemones ( Entacmaea quadricolor, Heteractis crispa, Stichodactyla tapetum, Cribrinopsis crassa, etc.). – multi-ingredient food for everyday use – a rich source of protein and exogenous amino acids – stimulates the growth and proper development of fish – improves the immunity of animals


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