Tropical Betta Granulat Fish Food 10g (Item Code- 61441)


  • Fine granules for fighters
  • other small labyrinth fish
  • floating type
  • Suitable for  fighters, gurami, large-sized loaves and rods

Out of stock


BETTA GRANULAT granules for fighting-fish. BETTA GRANULAT is the food in the form of tiny, floating granules, intended for feedinng fighting-fish and other small labyrinth fish. Due to its optimally balanced composition and precisely adjusted size of the granules, it is eagerly eaten by all fighting-fish, gurami, Paradise fish and Colisa. High content of protein, containing essential amino acids, provides regularly fed fish with building blocks, ensuring their steady growth. Natural carotenoids, including astaxanthin, guarantee bright and intensive coloration.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg





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